Ngā Whenu O Te Wahakura
The many strands of wahakura.
The SUDI Prevention team would like to share the first edition of our information guide on wahakura, Ngā Whenu o Te Wahakura- the many strands of wahakura.
This living document is a collation of information which centralises how wahakura supports the hauora of whānau. It documents the different understandings of wahakura from the experiences of weavers and whānau. It seeks to acknowledge the fluidity of mātauranga Māori and the vast benefits of wahakura within the SUDI Prevention space and beyond. The information collated for this work is ongoing, therefore, if you would like to share your kōrero about wahakura with our team, please contact the team at hauora@hapai.co.nz.
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Wānangatia Te Wahakura
The National SUDI Prevention Coordination Service (NSPCS) coordinated the Wānangatia te Wahakura series across Aotearoa to gain insights at a local level on wahakura development and capacity. The intention of these regionally based wānanga was to coordinate collective perspectives and share mātauranga across sectors.
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Hūtia Te Rito o Te Harakeke
The National SUDI Prevention Coordination Service has over the past 3 years been privileged to support, host and attend wānanga dedicated to weaving moenga for pēpi from Te Taitokerau to Murihiku. This third publication preceded by Wānangatia te Wahakura and Ngā Whenu o te Wahakura is a collection of photographs from many of these wānanga. Each page contains photos of kairaranga and whānau weaving together, and producing vessels for pēpi to sleep. Woven with intentions of love, strength and wellbeing and the acquisition of knowledge in wānanga whānau occurs through the sharing of korero beside matua and kaumatua.